Children's Cardiology Group

Pediatric Cardiologists located in Orange, CA & Mission Viejo, CA

Pediatric chest pain can be alarming, but most of the time, it doesn’t indicate a severe medical condition. Still, you need an accurate diagnosis to ease your mind. At Children’s Cardiology Group in Orange, Newport Beach and Mission Viejo, California, the team of skilled, board-certified pediatric cardiologists can determine the exact cause of chest pain and provide treatment for underlying cardiac or lung conditions. To schedule an evaluation for pediatric chest pain, call the nearest location, or request an appointment through the online scheduling tool.

Chest Pain Q & A What causes chest pain in children?

The chest region encompasses your child’s lungs, heart, esophagus, ribs and sternum, chest muscles, and diaphragm. Any of these structures can cause chest pain. Common causes of chest pain include:

  • Asthma
  • Muscle or joint strain
  • Inflammation in rib joints
  • Respiratory infections
  • Chest injuries
  • Acid reflux
  • Precordial catch syndrome (pain on inhalation of unknown cause)
  • Anxiety
  • Rhythm disturbances

While rare, chest pain can also indicate a pediatric heart condition, such as pericarditis, coronary artery abnormalities, or mitral valve prolapse.

Should my child see a doctor for chest pain?

You should never hesitate to contact your doctor if your child’s chest pain worries you for any reason. Signs and symptoms that can indicate a more serious cause of your child’s chest pain include:

  • Pain triggered by physical activity
    Pain that radiates out from the chest center
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Syncope (fainting)
  • Palpitations

If your child experiences these symptoms, call Children’s Cardiology Group right away or seek emergency medical care.

How does a cardiologist diagnose chest pain?

To determine the cause of your child’s chest pain, your cardiologist conducts a physical exam, which includes a review of your child’s health history and an assessment of their blood pressure and heart rate. They also ask you and your child questions about the frequency, duration, and severity of their symptoms.

Your cardiologist may also order diagnostic tests, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), which analyzes the electrical activity of the heart, or an echocardiogram, which uses ultrasound to create a full image of your child’s heart.

How does a cardiologist treat chest pain?

If your provider at Children’s Cardiology Group determines that a cardiac condition caused your child’s chest pain, they will recommend an appropriate treatment. Depending on the specific needs of your child, your provider may recommend:

  • Prescription or over the counter medications
  • Interventional cardiology procedures
    If another type of condition results in chest pain, your cardiologist may recommend another specialist, such as a pediatric gastroenterologist, to address acid reflux.

Pediatric chest pain understandably makes parents feel nervous. The compassionate team at Children’s Cardiology Group can give you answers about your child’s pain so you can feel confident that they will receive the appropriate treatment. To schedule an evaluation for chest pain with a trusted cardiologist, call the clinic nearest you, or request an appointment online today.


Athlete Screening Program

Chest Pain

Fetal Echocardiography

Pulmonary Function Testing


Cardiac Catheterization